BBQ at Colmslie Beach Reserve


I hope everyone is having a great day today This is a friendly reminder that today is the final day to RSVP for the Beyond Vision Catch Up BBQ! Here was the days line up -

To get us started at 10am, Troy and Patricia will transport your minds back to the 60's by playing all the hits you know and love.

At 11am hold on your hats and wigs because a Mr. Nick Soles is set to dazzle you with his didgeridoo and ambient backing tracks.

At 11:30am I will reveal Beyond Visions newest service which is now ready to launch! After which there will be a second reveal in regards to who our elusive guest speaker is…

Lunch will be served at 12:30pm, during this time you will be serenaded by non other then Brandon Lee Jazzy Brissy who will bring us home with his fly toe tapping jazz numbers that will surly raise you from your seat in an ecstatic attempt to show your moves! By this stage there will be no hats! or wigs! they will be blown away into the jazz abyss never to be seen again.

Sometime during the performances there will be a Pinata you can take a wack at for a chance to take home a treasure trove of goodies. Ok, can I have my arm back now please?

Please watch the video if you would like to know how our BBQ event went and to find out about new services that Beyond Vision will soon be offering.


Beyond Vision BBQ - West End


River City Cruise with Love To Assist